Food Security

Food Security

842 million people, one in eight, are malnourished. 3 million people die of malnutrition each year, and yet enough food is produced to feed the entire planet: an average of 2,770 kilocalories per person per day. Can we continue to ignore this reality for much longer?

Human dignity for all

Human dignity is at the center of Caritas International’s mission. Hunger is a consequence of poverty and represents a violation of fundamental human rights. The right to food is not all that’s in play: the right to a dignified life for the millions suffering from starvation every day is also at stake. The eradication of hunger is an essential requirement for every human being to lead a dignified and meaningful life.

A priority for Caritas

This is why Caritas International has made access to healthy, well-balanced, sufficient food a priority. In emergency humanitarian situations, we distribute food packages (enough to feed families for one month).

We also develop sustainable food security programs with the help of integrated family agriculture projects.